Thursday, December 2, 2010

Grandson Number Two is On the Way

Heather is in labor. Her sister Tiffany is with her to be her birth coach. Kyle is there too. I think one of his sister's in there. Heather sounded tired on the phone and that was at 5:30 PM. The baby is expected at midnight, Dec. 3, the very date I  predicted a few weeks ago. I also think his hair will be blond and he'll look like his daddy.  We'll see. I wish I was there. But my boyfriend just explained all the reasons I'm not, namely it's 300 miles away, taking the train is a hassle, and I have no where to stay and no one to go with.

At any rate, my heart is with her, and I'm waiting by the phone for any news.  But I'm not sure anyone will call me, because I didn't specifically ask them to.

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